Principle Madness

carrd template by cassiaslair.

  Valerio Salem Valentine   Something that was, is, and is not. A ripple in fate itself that bore a name.

"I'm what's left. Or...maybe I'm all there ever was."

the vessel.


"Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm."

Voice Claim

"Kento Nanami" - Jujutsu Kaisen.


  name.    Valerio Salem Valentine
  age.    Unknown (Assumed to be around 26)
  gender.     male (He/him)
  Race     Midlander
  sexuality.     Bi-sexual (Strong Male lean)
  notable features.   Intricate tattoos and vibrant gold eyes
  job occupation.    Ritualist Swordsman
  place of origin | home | affiliation.    The Eastern corners of Eorzea, namely Yanxia


The bastard son of a Gyr Abanian Noblewoman and a Yanxian man, Salem has spent most of his life wondering how and why he was given life. Most have goals, aspirations, and plans for their lives, but for the man with the blood of both mortal and auspice, he was unsure of where or when his time would come.From an early age, The man has lived by one mantra,"The child who cannot gain comfort from his village will burn it down for warmth."Under a long set of circumstances, Salem travels the world doing as he pleases with little care for a career or family. His pleasures are found in adventure; exploring the unknown, the taboo, and embracing the underworlds around him where most would cower. On top of this, he handles the weight of his newfound purpose and the light casted upon him that works against his nature.


the thread.


  The Man of Many Faces.  
Due to his presence as a traveler, Salem is known to take on the faces of his imagination and assume completely different lives. From a Thavnarian dancer, to Gridanian Herbalist. None of these faces and forms have an impact on his life, meerly an escape from his duties in the east. Those he trusts are allowed to see beyond the persona and learn the person behind the face.
Short-term, Long-term, Dark, Mature, Casual, One-offs, OOC communication.

  Hunter of the Masquerade  
Salem is a highly-trained mercenary of many talents. From political assassination, to kidnappings, torture, and a litany of things that range in cost. But, nothing is free, especially being silent, or silencing another. Name the price, the task, and it will be done with little to no hesitation.
Short-term, Long-term, Dark, Mature, One-offs, OOC communication, No player kills without OOC permission.

  Tōjutsuka of the Flames  
Salem has inheritied both the ancient Hasegawa clan Kenjutsu, and through past acquaintances, the Heaven-culling technique. He is willing to pass on both to those that are worthy of learning.
Furthermore, he has an odd collection of blades that have been stolen from those he has bested in battle. While most are katana stolen from dead Sekiseigumi captains, there are quite a few taken from roaming swordsman that he believed were not worth keeping such a weapon.  Tags.  
Short-term, Long-term, Dark, Mature, Combat-based.


a sound soul.


"The one thing worse than death is to avert your eyes from it. Look straight at the people you kill."

a sound mind.

As Salem is a developed character over time, he possesses a skillset of abilies that have been developed over time. By no means is this character a "god" or undefeatable, but he does have a diverse skillset over years of roleplay.  the izanami (location unknown).     a cursed blade given to him by his old friend and mentor. In the posession of its bonded wielder, the katna carries an active conscious and spirit of its own, but will bend reality to the whims of its wielder, in this case, Salem. While this is a very dangerous ability, it comes with MANY drawbacks.  spatial gift.     a hereditary trait passed down through the Hasegawa line of yokai is the ability to gather aether in the form of spatial rifts, which can be used to travel long distances or store objects.  the true nature of Levin.   To be determined. (Dawntrail Personal Story)


the brambles.


"So Why Is It That You Loathe Us Who Teeter On The Edge Of Nothing? We Who Were Turned Away By Both Light And Dark- Never Given A Choice?"

work in progress.


the vision.


the present.

the past.

the unholy.


"A lyricism of the masses."

a note.

If it wasn't apparent already, this is a character that does take part in mature themesHowever, none of these will occur with any character and/or writer that is not over the age of 18.
If you wish to discuss any potential interactions, I am free to talk. I have a /c/ for what I am okay and not okay writing upon request.
What is okay
> Erotic Roleplay (ERP)
> Mature Roleplay (MRP)
> One-offs / One-night stands
> Darker stories (DRP) (with discussion)
> OOC discussion any story or roleplay not OOC interaction.
hard limits
> Underage Characters
> Scat and Watersports
> Again, OOC Interactions beyond friends.
While Salem the character may be flirtatious, or even a whore at times, there is a very strong barrier between IC and OOC.

  blog url / chara name.     url / chara name here.
  main or exclusive.     main.
  relationship.     sibling.
  summary.     optionally write a summary of your muse's relationship with this person, or write a quote about your muse's thoughts on this person.

  blog url / chara name.     url / chara name here.
  main or exclusive.     main.
  relationship.     sibling.
  summary.     optionally write a summary of your muse's relationship with this person, or write a quote about your muse's thoughts on this person.

  blog url / chara name.     url / chara name here.
  main or exclusive.     main.
  relationship.     sibling.
  summary.     optionally write a summary of your muse's relationship with this person, or write a quote about your muse's thoughts on this person.